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Solutions through Knowledge
Quality Assurance, Quality Control and R & D
AquitaLab provides E2E Solutions to build or improve your Quality Systems, Working Processes in Laboratories, Decrease Quality Expenditures based on the best practices in Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Cosmetics, Environmental and related industries.
Let us know your needs and we'll work to answer your requirements
AequitaLab Lab Services
Training and Education
AequitaLab has been providing Class, On-the-Job Training for analysts employed in pharmaceutical industry
The Training and Education may include E2E solutions or consists of parts of this:
Analytical Techniques and Skills in R&D and QC.
Theory and Hands on Practice.
Theoretical and Practical exams.

Lectures & Seminars & Webinars

פיתוח שיטות אנליטיות HPLC

הדרכות לעובדי מעבדה

פיתוח שיטות אנליטיות HPLC

פיתוח שיטות אנליטיות HPLC

פיתוח שיטות אנליטיות HPLC

פיתוח נהלים פרמצבטיקה
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